जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं , Ainun

Kejadian 29 Juni 2019 pukul 11.46 AM Tut… tut….

Me: Halo
Ainun: Assalamualaikum..
Me: Selamat ulang tahun.. (nyanyi)
Ainun: He suwun suwun [Makasih]
Me: Kon ndek ndi? [Kamu dimana?]
Ainun: Training magang
Me: ……….. O yowes tak tutup e ngkok tak telpon maneh [O ya sudah, aku tutup. Nanti aku telpon lagi.]

HAHAHA what a birthday conversation. Nggak enak ya nun, ulang tahun tapi masih ada ‘pekerjaan’ BUT LIFE MUST GO ON and we must keep it lit!

Welcome to the 20 y.o club, a dear friend of mine!

I have always been soooo grateful that you step into my life. Yang mengenalkan Ari-nya Esti Kinasih, Rex-nya Orizuka. Yang mendorongku foto sama doi dulu wkwkwk.

Aku juga nggak akan lupa kita dengerin seminar Bhawikarsu: It’s me! 26 Januari 2017. I turned towards each other and said our dream. Selalu teringat pula gimana kita belajar buat SBM dan kamu yang ngajari aku MC = TCn-TCn-1 yang aku sekarang udah lupa itu apa.

Siapa lah ini yang maju ke panggung purnawiyata 4 kali berturut-turut, eh apa 5? I don’t count exactly how many years we have been together, maybe 5 or 6, but you need to know that I don’t want to stop counting. The memories were priceless and I will not leave those behind.

I hope you actually do what you want to do. I hope you do it happily and sincerely.

I hope you love and be proud of yourself. Because I do love you, I am so proud of you.

Dear Ainun Nisa Fitri,
Life won’t be getting easier
Or the distance may be farther
Yet I always hope that
Our heart will stay closer
To each other.

Salam 17 derajat celcius dari kota kita bertemu 🙂

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