Category: Self-development

  • Journaling: Cara Menemukan Jati Diri Lewat Diari

    Journaling: Cara Menemukan Jati Diri Lewat Diari

    Udah beberapa tahun sejak aku nulis manfaat journaling. Maknanya, aku sudah melakukan kebiasaan ini cukup lama (meskipun udah enggak journaling tiap hari)! I can’t believe that. Sejak lebih tahu tentang how to journal dari mereka saat itu, I might say kalau journaling adalah salah satu kebiasaan yang BENAR-BENAR MENGUBAH HIDUPKU. Karena udah lebih “berpengalaman” soal…

  • Terlalu Keras Pada Diri Sendiri: Ciri-ciri, Alasan, dan Cara Mengatasinya

    Terlalu Keras Pada Diri Sendiri: Ciri-ciri, Alasan, dan Cara Mengatasinya

    Beberapa hari yang lalu, aku membuat IG story tentang terlalu keras pada diri sendiri. Ternyata, banyak teman-temanku merasakan hal yang sama. They think they’re not good enough. Cerita ini dimulai ketika aku meeting bersama manager (orang Amerika). Aku merasa aku enggak bisa menulis dengan baik karena mendapat skor di bawah standar beberapa kali saat itu.…

  • Tips dan Manfaat Networking dari Anak Kemarin Sore

    Tips dan Manfaat Networking dari Anak Kemarin Sore

    Lagi beres-beres laptop, jadi nostalgia momen-momen bareng teman-teman yang kukenal dari hasil jerih payah seorang introvert untuk paham manfaat dan tips networking. Wkwkw. Mulai dari temen organisasi, part-time, dan magang. Dan, yang di dalam maupun luar tanah air. Aku kangen! Jadi berkontemplasi bagaimana mereka dengan jalan pikiran, inovasi, dan kelakuannya bisa membentuk diriku (yang semoga)…

  • 4 Life Lessons I Learnt in 2019

    4 Life Lessons I Learnt in 2019

    New Year always be a great way to reflect. To see what worked, and what didn’t in the previous year. There were so many things going on in my 2019 that gratefully bring myself here. I note life lessons I learnt in 2019 and share with you to make you realise yours, so you won’t…

  • How to Build Interpersonal Skills as An Introvert

    How to Build Interpersonal Skills as An Introvert

    I remember that my voice was cracking whenever I started to express my ideas and feelings during my first year in senior high school. I didn’t know how to build interpersonal skills as an introvert back then.  I was afraid I would not be heard. I was scared that my utterances would only be unreasonable,…

  • Kuliah Sambil Kerja, Why Not?

    Kuliah Sambil Kerja, Why Not?

    Baru-baru ini aku melihat beberapa unggahan Instagram tentang ‘life mapping‘ untuk tugas ospek. Aktif organisasi, IPK di atas 3.5, Lulus cum laude, Lanjut S2. None of them writes ‘having a part-time job’ alias kuliah sambil kerja. Well, aku dulu juga enggak kepikiran. Tapi selama satu semester 2019 awal kemarin, aku bahkan punya 2 pekerjaan paruh…

  • How to Love Yourself: My Self-love Journey

    How to Love Yourself: My Self-love Journey

    Since we were so young, we were taught to have a competition with other people, not how to love yourself. The comparison appears in anywhere. Weight, grade, etc, which makes us afraid of being left behind. The fear can grow bigger and bigger until we are adults. The fear of being so small in society…

  • Bekerja Bersama Buku Bareng BolehBaca Malang

    Bekerja Bersama Buku Bareng BolehBaca Malang

    Menjadi editor, penulis, translator, dan apapun itu yang bisa bersentuhan langsung dengan lembar-lembar kertas. Itulah yang menjadi alasan aku memasuki jurusanku yang sekarang. Bergabunglah aku bersama tim part-time BolehBaca Malang! Salah satu cita-cita dalam hidupku adalah bekerja bersama buku. Karena, lambat laun aku mengetahui. Bukan hanya di penerbitan aku dapat bersinggungan dengan buku. Ada peresensi buku,…

  • Lessons I learnt from my 2018

    Lessons I learnt from my 2018

    2018 was the first time I visited Bali and Jogja. But, following the new experiences were the new lessons. Here are the lessons I learnt from 2018. Life is a journey, and I want to tell you mine. Actually, I was quite hesitant to write this topic since I don’t want to expose my deep…

  • Welcoming 19 y.o, Advice To My Younger Self!

    Welcoming 19 y.o, Advice To My Younger Self!

    Hi! This is me knowing that I am growing old! I am not here to toast to my 19th birthday because I know, there are world’s weights ahead I have to bear. Isn’t it scary? Hey, younger me, here is advice to my younger self!   Aku tanya sekali ke mamaku, “Apa jadi tambah tua…

  • The Benefits of Journaling That Can Change Your Life

    The Benefits of Journaling That Can Change Your Life

    We’re stepping in the first quarter of 2018!! What have you been doing to accomplish your new year resolutions? Have you checked it one by one already? I have one goal that I wrote for the very first time of this year. It’s journaling! I have realized the benefits of journaling. And, you will! I…